A King's Love

He Gave His life for me, the King of the Heavens where one day I'll bow

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Location: Alaska, United States

I've been in Alaska what seems like all my life. Have sorrows and heart breaks like everyone else, but have learned ever so well that God never lets us go through something that He won't use in the future. I'm a crazy, loud and blunt Child of God, and desire more than anything to know that every day, I wake up and bring a smile to my Master's face. there's really, not much more about me than that (that matters, that is)

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What did they feel?

Hey Guys,

What an interesting couple of weeks! God certainly has a sense of humor, something I'm not a stranger to. But it's just been a weird week. The VNS - the implant and surgery I had on the 20th of December - was turned on 2 weeks ago. This implant on my vegas nerve (the nerve right above your collar bone) shocks me every 5 minutes without fail and tries its darndest to stop seizures. Let me tell ya, I think after 3 years of trial and error, we've found something that might work. But right now, it's making a whole new meaning to the word "zombie"! Just when I think I can start sleeping and dreaming "WHAM!" for thirty seconds that nerve and every part of my throat basically is getting a work over. How fun eh? But hey, we prayed for a solution that would actually be a solution or healing. This is just a wacky way of God grinning and reminding me that the story isn't over yet and his solutions are never boring!

John 2:1-4 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no more wine."
"Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied, "My time has not yet come."

Everyone knows the story of the wedding feast. Jesus is with his mother (how sweet) They go to a wedding (poor guy!) While Mary, the mother of Jesus is socializing and talking about how beautiful the bride is and how gorgeous the babies are going to be with her eyes and his nose, she notices something horendous. The celebration has no more wine to dine with.
No big deal right? Drink water. If they had a big problem with it, they could've left. I've actually SEEN that happen before. But that's not the thought of Mary. She's not appalled by the sight because she's offended she just wants to help. In those days if there was no wine at the wedding, you were insulting the guests and it made more problems than just the fact they couldn't get drunk for 5 days.
She has no power over this problem (ever been there?!) She thinks about where this could lead and she knows that unless she has some magical.... oh but wait! She's got the Son of God right here. Magic? I don't think so.
So with as little as she has, she goes before the Son and pleads "I have no where to go, I'm embarrassed for this family, please Jesus, Emmanuel, will you...?"

Sounds a little desperate don't you think? It's not though, she was just as desperate as you have been when you realize you've lost a piece of paper you needed at work. Or lost a few bucks of cash that really would've helped. And the only words on your lips are "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!"
But what really caught my attention was Christ's response when Mary pleaded. He told her it wasn't His time. He reminded her that this was a miracle that might just... but as he thinks about it, he sees the look of desperation in some of the eyes of his friends. Cummon, we have to figure out something!
So instead of keeping to the line that its not his time to show himself as the Messiah and the King of Kings... which to us, thats exactly what He did... He does the most simplest of things. He fills jugs of water and as soon as they get to the master of ceremonies, its wine. He was able to keep it quiet for a few more months, and Heaven saw two things. That their Messiah was safe, and that Jesus' Mother's heart had changed. Just because of his first miracle.

So what does that have to do with you? Everything. The fact that you can come to Christ at any moment about anything, and know that if he has to move every mountain on earth and more to show you he loves you and he heard your prayer... than He will. And then the fact that who we are, the desperation, the concern, the uncertainty of who we really are dealing with its all ours, yet God cuts through that, reminds us that we are who we are. He may see a different story, but he also sees the tunnell vision that we see as well. And he lives in both.

It wasn't his time to be known at the time but He was -and still is- God. It may not be time for you to know what's going on, but He's still the God in Control.
God may answer your prayers in an outright miracle, or a smile of a friend. Keep your eyes open. Christ is here.

see ya~Cass

Sunday, January 21, 2007

A long Road

Hey Guys, Sorry its been So long since I've posted, things have kind of picked up pace. And I've stepped away from the computer in order to go to the hospital a lot more. Oh boy! Naw it's not that bad, all the stuff we expect, it's just definitely a different journey these days. The opperation I had on the 20th is healing well, and they start the main treatment on Wednesday. Still been working with the students at the college though, and that's definitely how God keeps my eyes on what really matters.

Romans 12:2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I... don't think I have to tell you that Christianity, the lifestyle of Christianity, is a hard road. If you really believe in Who we're saying we have faith in, instead of just saying the words, you get drawn down some pretty rough roads. Persecution was the number one for a lot of people, but then they start seeing Christ in that persecution. Spiritual warfare then, is a major one. Satan and his demons know which strings to pull. But we know how to bend our knees and block our mind and hearts from that.

Whats the point? When we bend to the world, or bend to our own desires for that matter, God takes the back seat. When we stop and hold to the fact that the only One we have in our lives, the only God in our lives is the Almighty himself... that is the renewing of our minds. With that when persecution, spiritual warfare, hard times come period we don't have to doubt when we ask him about his will. Other people tell people what they want just because they think thats what would please the crowd... thats not who God was. God pleases, and he is love.
Well, I'm outta here, I'm praying for you guys, may you see the Truth and grasp it as He would have it, not as of the world.